Why Second Chance Points?

"Why Second Chance Points?" Because in basketball every missed shot is an opportunity for redemption. We strive to be a team that pursues every miss with a relentless determination to rebound and try again. Real life isn't that much different. It’s often what we do after we fail that matters the most. That's where life's lessons most important lessons often reside.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Single Phrase

Sometimes I find things in my reading that provoke thought.  Here's something I shared with a couple of the players today based on something I read this morning in Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years...

Jesus does not promise to make all things right for you here on earth.  We choose to follow him, but there are still bills to be paid, still difficult people in our lives, still pain and sorrow.  Those things are not removed from our experience, and yes, sometimes life with Jesus still sucks. 

The idea that living with Jesus will make everything better is a lie, but there is a more profound truth to behold.  His power and love are found in this single phrase, "I am with you."